HomeBeans/Fruit Vegetables18 Best Climbing & Vining Vegetables for Containers to Grow Vertically

18 Best Climbing & Vining Vegetables for Containers to Grow Vertically

11. Cucumbers

Cool and crispy, cucumbers are warm-season vegetables that thrive best when there is a rise in temperature. The compact, moderately long vines make them suitable for container growth.

Certain varieties perform better in containers than others. Excellent options in choosing cucumbers for pots include the bush varieties such as Salad, Hybrid, and Picklebush. You can learn about the various types of cucumbers here.

Save space and grow cucumbers vertically

12. Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon is one of the most popular vegetables grown in South-East Asia. Like cucumber, melon, or pumpkin–it belongs to the gourd family. A native of the Indian subcontinent, it is used in Asian delicacies.

It is one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet and has many medicinal and culinary uses. It has a uniquely bitter and crunchy taste that is found in no other vegetable.

Check out these bitter melon growing tips in pots

13. Perennial Cucumber

Also known as ivy gourd, it is one more climbing vegetable to grow in pots. This aggressive grower is popularly grown in Asian and African countries for miniature cucumber-like vegetables. You can consume it raw in salads or cook it to make delicious curries.

It’s perennial in warm climates (USDA Zones 9-11) but can be grown as an annual in colder regions. Learn everything about planting ivy gourd here.

Check out these DIY trellis ideas here

14. Broad Beans

Broad beans or fava beans grow like bush beans and resemble peas like pods. They are not very popular and so are not very easy to come by.

However, the good news is that they can be grown in cool temperatures, just like bush beans. Also, they lack a deep root system and are not very demanding for moisture or nutrients.

15. Summer Squash

Summer squash covers squash types like zucchini, straight neck squash, and crookneck squash. These develop fruits quickly after the vines spread and form a compact habit that grows to a manageable height of 2-4 feet, thereby making it an excellent choice for container gardeners.

These vegetables also require up to seven hours of full sun daily, in addition to regular watering and a fortnightly dose of organic fertilizer to produce well.

Find out the most productive container vegetables

16. Winter Squash

Winter squash comes in a staggering number of cultivars, including acorn, hubbard, as well as butternut squash. These vigorous vines are quick to spread and thus a little bit tough to manage in a container; however, you can still control these by growing them vertically on a trellis and pruning intermittently.

Additionally, they are cold-sensitive and despise too much water as it increases their susceptibility to seasonal pests.

17. Melons

There are many different varieties of melons that grow in a vine form and are remarkably easy to grow in containers. Cantaloupe, as well as sugar baby watermelon, are both adaptive to container culture.

It’s advisable to reduce watering when the melons reach a cricket ball size. To read more tips on growing watermelons, click here.

Note: Watermelon is the official state vegetable of Oklahoma, which is why it’s a part of this list. Also, being a cucumber family plant, many growers around the world consider it a vegetable.

Learn how to grow cantaloupes in pots here

18. Lablab Beans

This lesser-known bean is originated in Africa or South East Asia. Popular in many tropical and subtropical countries, it is so delicious and healthy.

This short-living perennial can be grown in containers, above the 55-60 F (13-15 C) temperature range, usually in summer in cold climates.


  1. Thank you for presenting such an informative article! I like the idea of training my climbers especially my roses to grow in pots. You can also engage them on garden trellises and train them well. Just be sure to use strong-gauge galvanized wire to hold and support your climbing plants firmly. Cheap wires will rust and make it difficult for you to correct the problem when your climbers break the wires as they grow. After seeing just how beautiful they look, I will indeed experiment with growing some of the beans in containers.


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